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Quantity".($x+1)." COLOR
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Available in ".(count($colors)>1?"these colors":"one color").":

Click on a color to start designing with that color."; echo ""; $num_columns = 10; $col = 1; foreach($colors as $c) { $image = ""; // see if there is a specific image for this color (detail image) $details = $page->db->query("select product_uid, line from product_colors where uid='".$c["uid"]."' limit 1"); $detail = $details[0]; if (file_exists(SITE_PATH."images_product_detail/".$detail["product_uid"]."_".$detail["line"].".jpg")) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize(SITE_PATH."images_product_detail/".$detail["product_uid"]."_".$detail["line"].".jpg"); $image = SITE_URL."images_product_detail/".$detail["product_uid"]."_".$detail["line"].".jpg"; } if ($image == "") { // no image, grab the default image $product = $products[0]; if (file_exists(SITE_PATH."images_product/".$product["uid"].".jpg")) { $image = SITE_URL."images_product/".$product["uid"].".jpg"; list($width, $height) = getimagesize(SITE_PATH."images_product/".$product["uid"].".jpg"); } else { $image = SITE_URL."images_product/image_missing.jpg"; $height = 245; $width = 200; } } $onmouseover_js = "onmouseover = \"document.images.prod_image.src='$image'; document.getElementById('prod_image').style.width='".$width."px'; document.getElementById('prod_image').style.height='".$height."px';\""; if ($col==($num_columns+1)) { $col = 1; echo "\n"; } if($col==1) echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $col++; } // finish up the table - the TR is always open for($x=0; $x<($num_columns - ($col-1)); $x++) echo ""; echo "
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from tinymce echo "
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Family Matrix Products - Personalized Name Gifts
Start Designing Personalized Clothing and Family Name Gifts
"; ?>
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